In this destination large amounts of investment are channeled that obey to a dynamic of the markets, reports the Sectur.
The list, released by the Federal Ministry of Tourism, indicates the destinations that, according to the methodology of the Model of Tourist Regionalization of Mexico, generate greater resources due to the arrival of national and foreign visitors.
The list is the result of a statistical processing of the so-called Annual Economic Census, that is, the Tourism Satellite Account, among other measurement instruments of the INEGI, CONEVAL, SEDATU, CONAPO, and UNDP agencies.
Puerto Vallarta, located in fifth place on the list, stands out for leading the recovery of the country's tourist destinations , according to indicators such as the increase in the number of flights, hotel occupancy, the reopening of tourist services, the consolidation of segments such as family, leisure, LGBT + and above all, the implementation of biosecurity measures that generate confidence in travelers.
With a hotel offer of more than 200 establishments of all categories, more than 22 thousand rooms (between hotels and other options), a wide gastronomic offer, and more than a hundred tourist activities to be carried out outdoors, Puerto Vallarta leads the attracting visitors to the Mexican Pacific, an offer that is disseminated permanently by the Puerto Vallarta Tourism Promotion and Advertising Trust.
About the interpretation of this list, Alejandro Aguilera Gómez, head of the International Affairs and Cooperation Unit of the Federal Tourism Secretariat, has reported that the research shows that tourist destinations have an increasingly leading role in the integration of the national territory and the economic development of Mexico.
The official manifested that large amounts of investment are channeled in the municipalities on the list that are due to market dynamics , a higher income and therefore consumption is concentrated, in addition to presenting a greater natural vocation to absorb new technological developments.
The Cuauhtémoc mayor's office in Mexico City tops the list , followed by the Quintana Roo municipality of Benito Juárez, Cancun, within the 'top 10' of the main destinations that generate more tourist wealth in Mexico.
The list is completed, in third place, by Monterrey, Nuevo León. In fourth position, the Miguel Hidalgo mayor's office of the country's capital.
In fifth position stands out Puerto Vallarta, in Jalisco, followed by León, in Guanajuato; Guadalajara, in Jalisco; Puebla, Puebla; Tijuana, in Baja California, and the Benito Juárez mayor's office, also from Mexico City.
The Puerto Vallarta Tourism Trust reminds you that its communications have the sole purpose of promoting tourism to the Puerto Vallarta destination.